Friday, July 25, 2008

Stacie is back on the water!

Wednesday Stacie and I went out to the wall for some windsurfing, it was going to be Stacie's first day back out there since she broke her leg windsurfing at the end of last summer. We had come out to the wall last week to sail but the wind wasn't all that great and although I got to sail Stacie decided that she was just fine not getting out there.
We get to the launch area and it is just packed with people, I have never seen that many people before at this spot. Neither one of us were glad to see that I can assure you but we get a parking spot and say hello to a few people and start to rig....
I rig 4.7, Stacie gets her 4.2 out and before you know it we were both on the water. I was hanging close to watch Stacie the first few reaches and I have to say that it was great to have her back out there again..... She was smiling ear to ear!!!
Stacie got in two sessions and I got in one long one and then we called it a day, I am not sure that i have ever had a better day on the water than that day, great to see her out there....
Oh yeah, I forgot my camera at the house when we left so that is the reason there are no pictures of Stacie's first day back on the water.

1 comment:

CB1 said...

Way to go Stacie! Glad to hear you're back no the water!
