So today was the scramble at McCubbin's Gulch, a place that i had never heard of but I will remember for a long time. So the idea of a "scramble" is that on purpose it is not a trail run, they even tell you at the start that this is a not a trail run. There might be lots of trails around where you are running but for the most part you really don't get on them. They have marked the course with ribbons and you just follow them and you cross everything from creeks to log jams. The idea of a scramble seems strange but there are many people that love doing them and I think that I might be in that boat as well.
So three of us decided to go, myself, Joel Hart from Hood River and Dave Huber, long time Snowshoe, WV friend and bar patron that has recently moved out here. I must admit that I wasn't going to do this run, I had rolled my ankle about 9 days ago and the swelling was still there but decided this morning with pressure from Dave that I should do it and it turned out just fine. Great feeling to cross the finish line or rather as it was a finish creek. It was a blast, Dave smoked the course, that guy is fast and Joel ran the downhills like something wild was chasing him and I just ran, felt like the uphills were my sweet spot and the downhills, well lets just say that i took them very slow! Enough said, great day and looking forward to the next
Just one last note, Dave drank a beer on the way to the race and was having a beer when I crossed the finish line, I suppose that beer is good training fuel.
Was the "water" attack dog, part of the scramble? Looks like you made it in one piece!
No dogs for sure but there some nasty barbed wire on the course that I had the please of not leaving any skin on!!
Oh yeah, there was one attack dog!!! But he was friendly and bring beer!!!
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