Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Fires and More Fires

So last week I decided to go out on the motorcycle and see from the top of Dalles Mountain what the fires looked like up there. Mt Adams has a huge fire going on that is burning east and consuming many acres of land. The view from this top is incredible for sure and you can really tell just how big the fires are. Hard to believe that we had such a wet winter and spring and we are so DRY right now!

1 comment:

CB1 said...

Is that Mad Maxx in the 3rd picture? Anyway, hope you get this! Sent ya a couple of e-mails, but you can't stop running long enough to answer! :-) Anyway, hope you and Stacie are doing great. Sounds like your runs are fun. Is Stacie running the events as well?

Don't forget about us poor SOB's over here on the east coast! I'll call to catch up on things!